Magic Paper
Magic Paper


Magic Paper

$2.20 Sale Save


Embroidering on a textured fabric? Worry not, we've got you covered! Embroider any pattern onto any fabric with the help of our water-dissolvable Magic Paper. Once you’re done stitching, watch the paper disappear under running water like magic (or science)

Measurements: 37cm x 18cm

How to use

1. Place the Magic Paper on top of your embroidery pattern
2. Trace your pattern onto the Magic Paper with pencil
3. Place the Magic Paper on top of your fabric and embroider through both the Magic Paper and fabric
4. Once you’re done embroidering, simply soak it in water and let the magic paper dissolve
5. Let it dry completely and you’re done!

Tracing Paper vs Magic Paper

Tracing Paper Magic Paper
Reusable when used with heat-erasable or water-erasable pen Non-reusable
Non-water-soluble Water-soluble
Suitable for dark-coloured fabric Suitable for dark-coloured fabric
Less suitable for textured fabric Suitable for textured fabric
Works without light box Works without light box
Stitch on fabric
Stitch through both magic paper & fabric


Once your order is placed, please allow 1-3 business days for your order to be packed and shipped from our studio.

Shipping within Indonesia

JNE Reg (Regular Service): 2-4 days

JNE YES (Yakin Esok Sampai): 1-2 days

International shipping: 1-2 weeks, however delays may occur in transit or due to holds at your local custom office.